…Sell Short

By Zer @the2women

Soda has long been public enemy number one of the health conscious consumer. And it’s no stranger to ridicule and humiliation. It’s been banned, limited and taxed.

But now it’s fighting back.

Starting early next year, the American Beverage Association will start a new campaign called Calories Count.

The program will put calorie counts for soda and other beverages on vending machines.

Yes, your mid-afternoon pick-me-up will now question your poor diet decisions.

The judgemental machines will first appear in municipal buildings in Chicago and San Antonio, but could become more widespread if they’re a success.

Of course, if this doesn’t work, they may have to add a nice healthy dose of guilt. Vending machines could shout phrases like, “Really, you feel good about consuming those 300 calories in a 20 oz. beverage?” or “What would your mother say?”.

Or they could be more informative, “Did you know it will take you 5 hours at the gym to work off half of that?”.

It may sound harsh, but I’m sure in the long run it’s in our (or the beverage companies) best interest. Right?

More on the Story: NY Times

…just for fun: