Selfie Master

By Fashionmira @MiaNightSkyArts
Today is not my usual kind post, not about outfits or some products, today is all about my selfie master... From the first day, Aiden was born I started to take pictures every single day, not with the camera, but with iPhone (it's the fastest way to take a picture and edit or put into college) and my little one is not scared of it, sometimes I think he is loving to look at himself (although he thinks it's another baby smiling at him).
He is 20 weeks and 4 days (4 months) and every day I can't believe I have a baby and how happy he makes me. In the near future I want to share my mommy's favorites. I don't post as regularly as I used to, just because I want to spend every single minute with my angel, time flies so fast and I'm trying to enjoy this precious moment. So here it is, a tiny piece of our daily selfie moments.

One months old