Selfie Lovers: Beware of “Selfie Wrist” Injuries

By Dr.jenifer Sayyed @SayyedJenifer

With the rise of technology and digitalization, things have become easy, convenient and progressive.

Smartphones and social media are one of the most popular and successful outcomes of evolution.  And, Selfie is one feature that has become the biggest trend of the digital age. The craze for it became so much that in November 2013; the word “Selfie” was announced as the “word of the year” by the Oxford English Dictionary.

The need and urgency to capture oneself for the perfect Instagram post are what all are crazy about. But anything more and beyond is always harmful, and same goes with Selfie and the smartphones.

Selfie Wrist

The selfie has brought a new age health hazard called “Selfie Wrist”.

Your next selfie could be your most painful one, suggests US-based Dr. Levi Harrison. He says that flexing your wrist inward to take that perfectly angled photograph can cause numbness and tingling sensation.

In that way, “selfie wrist” is basically a form of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Also, overuse of smartphones i.e typing with one hand with speed, too much time texting, can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Even Kim Kardashian revealed this September that her doctors had diagnosed her with ‘selfie wrist’.

Also Read: A Selfie Superstar

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition where you feel numbness, tingling, inflammation, and weakness in your hands caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.

This pressure is caused by the repetitive motions, like typing, holding the phone for too long, overuse of your wrists while performing any activity.

Also Read: Healthy Winter Skin Care Tips 

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Simple Ways to Avoid Selfie Wrist

1) Use moderately

Make your fingers and hands relax in between and use your smartphone and take selfie moderately. Do not take selfie continuously to avoid health hazard.

2) Exercise

Simple stretching exercises will help provide mobility, increase blood circulation and help reduce numbness. Try exercises called “flappers” and the “queen’s wave.”

3) Maintain Neutral posture

The wrist should be placed in a neutral position at all possible times. The wrist must be placed in straight alignment with the forearm, not higher or lower.

4) Use Both Hands

Try to use both hands while taking a selfie or using your smartphone while texting. It will not cause you pain or numbness on one hand then.

5) Use a splint or brace

A splint is specially designed to provide support to your wrists and minimize pressure on the median nerve. It helps keep your wrist in a neutral position.

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No doubt, selfies are a perfect way to capture ourselves and freeze that moment forever without disturbing or requesting others to take one’s photos. But be cautious and use it wisely so that it doesn’t harm us.

Say bye to “Selfie Wrist”.


*Disclaimer : The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not meant to be a replacement for a doctor consultation, nor is it a medical recommendation or prescription of treatment.

*PC: Google, Pexels