Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

By Chardonaldson
I made a mistake this morning.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. But like a lot of ideas that you get at 4:30am in the morning, it really wasn't that good after all.
My good idea? To turn my alarm off. To sleep in. To have a lazy start to the day.
At the time I justified it by telling myself that it was raining and cold. Apologies to all of you North Americans who can really complain about the cold. It really wasn't that cold. I'd had to pull up a blanket - that's all. The windows were still wide open and that's how I could hear the rain so clearly.
And I justified it by reminding myself that I'd been really tired after yesterday's speed session and had to drag myself through the day. It was a tough session - 10 mins effort then 3 mins rest, repeated four times. I hadn't even done a whole last rep due to an urgent call of nature. Thank goodness football season has started and the toilets were unlocked. The last time we did this set I'd died big time by the end. This time all of my reps were faster even if I was slowing towards the end. Yes, I'd worked hard so it was fair enough that I was tired.
My third justification was the niggly little pain that I've had in my hip for the last couple of months. It hasn't been getting worse but neither has it been getting any better. It doesn't hurt when I run so I've kept running - it just annoys me a little when I tighten up afterwards. I figured at 4:30am that it was a great idea to give my hip an extra day to recover.
So my alarm got switched off. And I didn't wake up till almost 7:30. And now I'm cranky with myself. I'm a good hour behind in my schedule. I haven't had my dose of endorphins. It'll be hard to make the run up this week. And, worst of all, I still haven't been able to test out my new running shoes.

It was too wet yesterday and I didn't want to wear them on Saturday for a 20k. That's just asking for blisters.
Luckily, this mood will only be with me for less than 24 hours more. I've got hills at 5:30 tomorrow and there's no way I can stay cranky after running hills. It's something to do with the endorphins mixed with the smell of the bush, the sound of the birds and being surrounded by all that green. You can't help but feel good after a hill session.