Seeing Them Grow

By Stephanie
I grow my plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly is for the joy of seeing them grow -- David Hobson

The sight of blooms is always an attraction. I enjoy the process also. First a healthy plant then come beautiful blooms. The joy of seeing the plants grow is doubled when you don't really have care so much about them...

I have enjoyed growing this Tacca chantrieri aka Black Bat Flower a lot. The plant not only flourish well, it flowers well also. And the best part is, I just need to ensure that plant has enough water. On several occasions the plant was droopy and lifeless but quickly regained its vigour after a thorough watering. 

The bloom is an inflorescence. Watch how it blossom...

The pic below shows the top of the blossom that is opening and its filaments are growing out from the bud. 

Followed by small black flowers...

After a few days, the bloom is fully opened. Read more about this black beauty, Tacca chantrieri and find out how I grow the plant at home here in Malaysia in this article. 

My Scindapsus pictus 'Argyraeus' aka Satin Pothos that is sitting in water has popped out a new leave. 

And here is my collection of ferns that is slowly increasing. I like seeing their various texture and its green shade soothes the eyes. Oh, and not forgetting they purify the air as well, yay!!

Next to the Satin Pothos is my new Cladophora aegagropila a.k.a Marimo or Moss Ball. Marimo is said to be very slow growing and grow 5mm a year only. Hmm... don't think I will able to see its algae filaments flourishing but hopefully see the ball increase in size next year...

Enjoy watching your plants grow in size and numbers :-D