Secret Kaleidoscopic Fireworks

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that watching fireworks is a little like observing falling stars making their may to earth; the impulse to make a wish on all those bright sparks of color is overwhelming... if only you could suppress the ohhs and ahhs long enough to silently make your wish.
While looking through my daughter's kaleidoscope (one of my all time favorite children's toys that gets my seal-of-approval as a great gift for any gender, age or occasion), I kept thinking to myself how much it looked like a night sky of fireworks.  I was so happy to stand there for long moments loving the magic contained therein... then I decided to photograph it.
It wasn't quite as easy as it sounds, as the eye-hole is rather small.  A conventional camera lens is too big, but a smart-phone has a small aperture, so it seemed to work ok.  The results were wonderful.  I thought so at least.  If you click on the image it will enlarge and you'll see that some of the clarity is incredible, some shots are blurry, but the color is none the less effective - top tip - experiment!
In my mind I see stained glass rose windows in Gothic cathedrals, rich tapestries, gilded domes, mosaic floors, ancient treasure boxes, and of course a trillion exploding fireworks.
The best of the best could easily be printed out and turned into invitations for a Arabian Nights Slumber Party, a space party, a fireworks night, or any nighttime function...
I'll make another post one day to show you the actual child's toy, I may even have a go at making a kaleidoscope one day; it's truly the most garish object imaginable; that such beauty is inside just proves the old tale true; that you can't be too quick to judge something from the outside; for at least in this case; an infinite universe seemed to be waiting to be discovered by someone willing to look. x