Do you know this woman? All I know, is that she makes the top of every blog roll or list I can think of: best +40 blogger, best personal style blogger, best vintage seller, best Secondhand ANYTHING. She lives and breathes fabulous style, sustainable shopping (being frugal and creative and not giving a damn about the status quo, really has got its perks!) and vintage dressing. She's Vix. She rocks, and there's no two ways about it.
She also happens to be the heart of my bloggy community. She draws amazing people to her, like flies to honey, and so you just need to buzz around her blog roll, and you'll gain even more style-eye candy to feed your style soul, and "meet" all sorts of colorful and lovely characters. Because of her, I got to make the acquaintance of this beautiful person. And come to think of it, also her.
There's so much to love about the Vixen. Great personal style. Amazing vintage wardrobe. Killer business savvy (She runs Kinky Melon's Retro Boutique with her equally dashing partner, Jon). Charm. Charisma. Did I mention her killer vintage wardrobe? Did I mention her charm and charisma?
But for me, the best thing ever about Vix, is that while she dazzles in her boho 1970s togs, beguiles in her funky arsenal of bangles, chunky heels and colorful eye shadow, she doesn't ask you to dress like her, look like her, or act like her. Her message, if indeed she has one, is this: DRESS TO EXPRESS. And be YOURSELF. There seems to be no greater advocate for each one of us to march to our own (vintage loving) drumbeat than Vix.
So, I didn't bat an eye of surprise when I read that she'd been nominated for Vintage Personality of the Year. Hell, people, this woman, to me, is personality of the decade. She is the Queen of Sustainability, in her vintage threads, thriving re-sell business, and flourishing life. For me, there's no better representative of the benefits of living SECONDHAND FIRST than this beautiful, vixen soul. So she's got my vote.
If you'd like to read a nice interview of Vix for the National Vintage Award, click here.
To VOTE FOR VIX, please click here.
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