Seb, Julius and I All Settled at Ampney :)

By Kc2610 @kc2610
FINALLY the horses and I are moved in and settled at Ampney Park. It took a few days of a few car-loads to move myself into the flat, and the horses moved easily over two days. Seb and Julius are so happy here, you can see it in their eyes and in their expression. I think its because they have just one person (me) looking after them every day and giving them endless cuddles and kisses.
There is nothing better in the world than looking after them myself and running the yard exactly how I want. I know everything the horses eat, know if they are too hot or too cold in their rugs, make sure they always have hay and most importantly to me, keep their hooves clean and dry to stop them getting thrushy (I have an OCD with hoof hygiene)!
However, as much as I love doing it all myself and having the control, I do need help. I have my eye out for a full-time groom that can eventually move into the flat and I will move back home. Of course I'd rather live with the horses, but next year when I am away for competitions and training, there's no point in the groom living away from the yard if it is them that will need to look after the horses a lot of the time when I'm away. A working student is preferable, who I can train under my system so they can ride my horses when I'm away and know what to do with them. I have someone on the horizon at the moment who fits the bill even better than a working student, but I won't say anything yet just in case I jinx myself.
So, loving life at the moment with everything nearly exactly the way I want it - it's rare when that happens as we all know! All I need is my groom, Chad and Bertina here (who are coming soon) and the training liveries who will also come in soon, then everything will be spot on :) I'm putting my ad up for teaching this week too, which is exciting and I'm looking forward to some new clients in the area!