Seated Study

By Pmeurice
   Yesterday was dedicated to oil portraiture study at Heatherley, today, I was happy to calm of my studio, bathing in a smooth spring light. 
I have decided to go for a series of Nude and back studies... Let's see if I can work through this small project... The idea is to continue the Human figure study, focusing on one single model (online artists resources are great these days...) - I have selected a couple of pictures from some poses I judged dynamic enough, I reworked the photographs to support the drawing exercise, and I will alternate graphite drawing and pastels. 
Here is the fist of - let's hope - the series : 

Seated Study - I 

The aim of working on the series is to free myself from the subject, and then work on the forms, the moves and the colors. I have chosen graphite and pastels for this project as these are the mediums where I am the most 'at ease'... (if one is ever really at ease with a medium) 
Anyway, carrying on hatching with my pencils, and I had a great afternoon...