Search Engine Apparently Willing To Help Get Male Musician Pregnant

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Alt-rockers Matt & Kim posted a screenshot on Instagram of what happened when they tried to do a Google search for “is there a way to download flash videos.”

As you may be aware, search engines often suggest searches as you type. In this case the following search was suggested:

“is there anyway I can get this popular guy to get me pregnant”

By the way, the post was signed “-m” indicating the information was being provided to Matt, who would likely find this information even less useful than Kim.

3 More Suggestions For Autcomplete On A Search Beginning With The Words “Is There”

1. ”Is there any way I can get Google to stop making ridiculous suggestions every time I innocently search for my keys?” Sorry, you didn’t misplace your keys in the internet.

2. “Is there a web site where I can post dumb questions, because I don’t know how to find answers on Wikipedia, the Internet Movie Data Base, or” You won’t find your keys at, either.

3. “Is there a way I can find out what’s going on at Walmart, without typing into the right box on my browser, because it’s 2013, and I  still don’t know how to browse the internet.” Shhh! If everyone learned how to go directly to web sites, search engines might lose ad revenue!