Scottish Fiction Podcast - 25th September 2013

Posted on the 28 September 2013 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984

f you pay attention round these parts you'll be well aware of my gushing blogger love for this week's live guest Lovers Turn To Monsters.  Possessing an ability to pen open, honest and emotionally charged lyrics, twisted in with pop culture, geeky jokes, and personal highs and lows, he is, in this blogger's opinion one of Scotland's under appreciated songwriters.  Coupled with lo-fi melodies and a goofy demeanour, it was a pleasure to welcome Kyle back onto the show.
As well as three live tracks courtesy of my guest, there was new music from Atom Tree, Giant Fang and Hector Bizerk, as well as the second installment of my Oxjam: We're Skint, They're Skinter podcasts.
Atom Tree - P.S.
Smog - Chosen One - As chosen by Lovers Turn To Monsters
Lovers Turn To Monsters - I Don't Think You Like Me - Live in Pulse 98.4 FM Studio
Owen - Playing Possum For A Peed - As chosen by Lovers Turn To Monsters
Lovers Turn To Monsters - I Miss You - Live in Pulse 98.4 FM Studio
Lovers Turn To Monsters - LA Gear - Live in Pulse 98.4 FM Studio
Andrew Pearson & The Riflebirds - If My Dreams - As chosen by Lovers Turn To Monsters

FEATURE - Oxjam: We're Skint, They're Skinter
Giant Fang - Golden Age
Woodenbox - Royal Mile
The Deadline Shakes - Bright Spot In A Bad Year
The Last Battle - Perfecting The Art (Of Saying Nothing)
Hector Bizerk - Welcome To Nowhere

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Scottish Fiction - 25th September 2013 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud