Broken laptops, broken hearts, and broken dreams. All or none of these may have contributed to our brief absence from the land of podcasting and radio. No time to dwell on that though, as it's right back into the mix with another hour of tunes, tunes, tunes. On this episode there's music from Honeyblood, Prides, Kill The Waves, Insect Heroes and oh so much more. It's Scottish Fiction, your one stop shop for the best new Scottish music.
Honeyblood - Super Rat
Drunk Mule - Hombre Soul
eagleowl - Eagleowl vs. Woodpidgeon
The Meanest Creature Ever Known - I'll Never See Glasgow Again
Kick To Kill - Dreams
Fat Goth - Sin Altar
PAWS - Tongues
Insect Heroes - Pop Music
Prides feat. Lauren Aquilina - Strong Enough
Kill The Waves - Better Days
Alphabetical Order Orchestra - Architect
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Scottish Fiction - 21st July 2014 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud