Scott Foley a 100 Percent Human on True Blood

Posted on the 04 May 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

Scott Foley plays Patrick who is one of the few characters that is 100 percent human on True Blood. Foley told TVLine: “People ask me, ‘Oh my God, you’re on True Blood — what are you?!” And I have to keep saying, “Umm… nothing! I’m just a guy!’” he recounts with a laugh. “I’m not a vampire, I’m not a werewolf, I’m not a werepanther, I’m not a fairy, I’m not a shapeshifter. I’m just a guy coming into town trying to finish something he started back in Iraq.”

What exactly is the nature of his unfinished business with Terry? “Something happened between the two of them in Iraq that needs to be dealt with,” Foley teases. “I can’t say what it is. It has nothing to do with vampires or werelwolves. But there is a mission that they need to complete.”

New Season 5 images of Foley as Patrick below:
