Scott Beason (R-AL) is the NRA: Update

Posted on the 22 October 2011 by Mikeb302000
Remember when I sagely commented on this charming chap?
As I pointed out, Scott Beason was both a gunloon and a racist.  Of course, the usual NRA apologists deny gunloonery has anything to do with racism.
Well, now.  Seems a Federal Judge not only agrees with me--he's ruled Scott Beason (R-AL, Gunloon) is a racist.

A federal judge accused two state Republicans, called by federal prosecutors in amassive Alabama corruption case, of cooperating with the feds because of their “ulterior motives rooted in naked political ambition and pure racial bias.”
State Sen. Scott Beason and former Rep. Benjamin Lewis, U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson wrote, “lack credibility for two reasons.”
“First, their motive for cooperating with F.B.I. investigators was not to clean up corruption but to increase Republican political fortunes by reducing African-American voter turnout. Second, they lack credibility because the record establishes their purposeful, racist intent,” Thompson wrote.