Score: Daniel, 1, Lions, 0--I Give My Testimony, I Survive

Posted on the 26 September 2013 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy

Whew. It's over. I gave my testimony yesterday, and I very definitely felt far less alone than I'd otherwise have felt, due to all of you and your support/light/prayers/vibes/good wishes. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Can't talk in detail about the case, of course, since it's still being heard. Steve did tell me he thought my testimony was very good, but he's not a disinterested party, obviously. It was definitely an interesting experience, one that reminded me why I chose not to walk in my father's footsteps as a lawyer. I think I'm more interested in the real and transformative truth that lies behind the adversarial games that are part and parcel of lawyer-business--though this trial reminded me repeatedly of the one core principle of American jurisprudence and our legal system that my father dinned into his sons' heads over and over: everyone, no matter what the alleged offense, is owed an impartial hearing.
The graphic: more Daniel and Habbakuk. This is a mural from the church of J, church of Tirsted, Denmark, dating to the 1400s, from James Mills, "Danish Church Art," in Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies