Scope Review 2019 Amazon Keyword Tool ( Find Money Keywords)

Posted on the 11 January 2019 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Amazon is a global-wide popular e-commerce platform that has expanded beyond all national bounds. It has toughened the competition of all sellers in this platform and is continuously making the battle for existence in the e-commerce market difficult. At the same time, with the growing competition and rivalry between different sellers, it has also come up with various ideas and practical products that have helped to ease the marketing, data analysis, and product generation.

If you are having your business with this gigantic e-commerce, it is preferred to keep an eye on the tools that Seller Labs have developed to benefit the sellers in Amazon. There are plenty of tools and training modules associated with their usage that easily made available for all sellers having their business in Amazon. These tools are currently being used by several sellers and it has boosted the productivity and profits of the business with its many features.

I have my small business with Amazon and hence keep scouting for the different tools produced by Seller Labs for Amazon business users. Scope is one of the latest tool developed by Seller Labs that is basically devised for SEO optimization like data scraping, finding keywords, identification of new products etc.

In this post, we have featured Scope Review 2019 that includes detailed insights about its pricing, features, functionality and more. Let's get started here.

Scope Review Amazon Keyword Tool 2019: Is It Worth The Hype?

What is Scope?

Seller Labs have provided a plethora of tools and applications that have powered the growth in product campaign, data analysis, suggestions etc. and have generated a lot of productivity in business.

Scope is a tool provided by Seller Labs that offers and identifies new keywords and products that help in boosting the business in the market. It is blended with multiple features of improvising on your Amazon search. It also shows the highest ranking for a particular product in Amazon. It is basically like an SEO tool that optimizes the search and gives an idea of your potential for business of a new product.

Scope is a multiple-purpose tool that helps in product optimization, tracking the search or rank performance of a particular product or keyword. You can use the tool to save your keywords and also export them in a specific file format to analyze them further.

The pricing plans of the software application, Scope is also very lucrative and if offers a money back scheme with 7 days of using it.

Working and Integration Procedure

Scope is highly reliable in terms of your product trending analysis, SEO optimization, performing the tracking on keywords and products and finding better keywords for products to gain more customers and visitors. This helps to increase the earning potential of the business in Amazon. The advanced technology of the software helps in the process of identifying the product keyword and searches that would work for positive growth in profitability and productivity, etc.

Its working and integration procedure is extremely simple and user-friendly.

  • All I had to do was a simple follow the login steps and follows the instruction as provided on its purchase which is simple and easy to understand.
  • The email ID, login credentials like Name, phone number and some more details are all that is required to login and set this tool up to get started on it!

Prime Features of Scope

Scope is best known for its clarity on SEO optimization that helps in various SEO processes like keyword searches and choosing the apt keyword for your product to increase its search. Some of the coolest and amazing features that make this tool highly in demand for all Amazon sellers are listed below:

Keywords and Tracking of Products: If you are keen to know on the ins and outs of your business then you should also be aware of the keywords, sales, prices, ranking, and reviews for a span of 30 days.

  1. The data from the tool Scope gives you a brief insight into the working of the product and the search terms, it has performed. This information helps in the optimization decisions and makes informed sourcing.
  2. You can also add keywords and scope will help to track the new keywords immediately that will give you clarity on the product's performance.
  3. All you need to do is click on the binocular icon that will track any keyword and product on Amazon.

Product Research: The web application of software Scope extends a potential help to source and sell your products on Amazon.

  1. You can use the chrome extension and search any keyword and get an idea on the products with clear data on its sales rank, reviews, number of sellers, estimated sales etc. You also select your specific ASIN to learn more about the details for the above.
  2. The ASIN level is nothing but will provide you with a fee and price calculator with a summary of the products or items.
  3. This summary helps you to get an idea on the number of people selling the ASIN, 30 days profit estimates and sales velocity.
  4. Do your products research using Scope tool.
  5. Scope thus not only helps in product optimization but also provides sales related data with clarity.

Simplification in Process: The software application and back end processing of Scope is simple which makes it user-friendly.

  1. It has broken down the complex procedure of Amazon keyword searches and discovered several keywords. This helps in the PPC campaigns and Amazon SEO purpose.
  2. The product research and keyword searches are the primary highlights of the product making it a profitable product niche.

Pros and Cons

The features offered by the seller labs' tool Scope speak has its advantages associated with keyword searches, searching for better keywords and searches etc. Some of the additional pros are listed below:


  1. Look for the high traffic keywords that can optimize the search of your products
  2. Helps to perform a reverse ASIN lookup and check the driving factor of your competitor's sales.
  3. Understands the potential benefits and merits of a new product.
  4. Helps in drawing of price, fee, and sales related information for any product in Amazon.
  5. Tracks the search rank performance for the keywords and products in Amazon.


Seller Labs has worked intricately to design and develop this product, Scope to optimize sales growth and profits leaving behind no stone unturned to achieve numerous advantages of the application.

  1. However, one of the drawbacks is that this application is available for business optimization and profit generation confined to Amazon platform only and not for any other e-commerce platforms.
  2. Also, currently this tool is operated only on the US marketplace.

Pricing and Plans

Scope provides a highly commendable edge to your business growth with respect to sales product optimization. It simplifies the complex process of keyword searching, pricing, checking reviews and ranking and drawing an analysis of simple analysis and eliminates a lot of human efforts, time and thus cost cutting.

Scope is available in different pricing plans with a money back free trial program too. For all first time users, we can easily get started with this easy 7 days money back program. It helps you to understand the working of the tool and you can also avail all the features and benefits associated with its use.

It is also packed with a money back guarantee offer in case you don't appreciate the working of the tool within 7 days of this free plan.

Besides, the 7-day trial program provided by this sales and SEO optimization management tool, you can also avail any on the below plans:

  1. $32.50/month: This pricing plan helps in tracking of over 100 keywords and searches.
  2. $57.50/month: This pricing plan helps in tracking of over 400 keywords and searches.

There are additional pricing plans such as growth and premium plans with a high number of orders associated. However, I would recommend using the 7 days money back guarantee program as per my experience and get an idea on the tool. This would help to opt for any of the above plans in future.

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Conclusion: Scope Review 2019

Scope is primarily developed with a purpose to understand and analyze the sales of the products. Its process of operation is extremely simple and helps in process of optimization of your product searches and keywords builds.

I have been using this software product to optimize my business in Amazon and discovered its numerous merits for SEO optimization. Get started with Scope and explore this smart product by Seller Labs to help your business prosper expand beyond all horizons.