Sco Terror Meet Begins with Officials from China, Pakistan and Russia in Delhi

Posted on the 17 May 2022 by Geetikamalik

Pakistani, Russian, Chinese and Four Central Asian-terrorist officials met in Delhi on Monday at the beginning of the discussion of the Shanghai Regional Anti-Terror Structure (SCO-RATS) in India since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrain and Chinese violations in the line Actual control (LAC). The meeting, which was closed to the press, was one of a number of events planned this year because India took its role as chairman of the SCO-Tikus mechanism.

In October this year, all member countries will send personnel of security forces for anti-terror exercises that are expected to be held at NSG facilities in Manesar. While India and Pakistan have almost no bilateral involvement, the two countries made the point of attending the SCO 9-State meeting, and last year India had sent a delegation to Pakistan to take part in the SCO-RATS training last year. And all eyes will be focused on 2023, when India is caused by the host of the SCO Summit, which can make Pakistani and Chinese leaders participate, despite tensions in bilateral bonds.

The Secretariat of the National Security Council (NSCS) under NSA Ajit Dooval, who held a meeting including officials from the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs refused to comment on the agenda and the expected results from the May 16-19 meeting. The Afghan Ambassador, who has an observer status said in a tweet that he expects a meeting to “lift and propose solutions to all important problems related to security situations in Afghanistan”.

India in November hosted the NSA special regional meeting about the antidote to threats originating from Afghanistan after the takeover of the Taliban over Kabul, which included Russia and five countries of Central Asia. But China and Pakistan have refused the invitation.

Meanwhile, India reacts sharply to the statement by the organization for Islamic cooperation, where at least six countries participating in the SCO-Tikus Monday meeting are members, who have criticized the steps proposed by the government on the limitation of the election constituents in Jammu and Kashmir.

We are disappointed that the OKI Secretariat once again made unreasonable comments about Indian internal affairs,” the MEA spokesman said in a statement “firmly rejected” the statement of 57 group members.

Oki must refrain from carrying out the Indian communal vis-visal agenda on the orders of one country,” added the spokesman, in a hidden reference to Pakistan.

Previously on that day the OKI General Secretariat had issued a statement “deep concern” for what he called India’s efforts to re -draw the election limits in Jammu and Kashmir, accused India “changed the demographic structure of the region and violated the rights of the Kashmir people.”

Oki’s statement said that the restriction training violated the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding disputes and the 4th Geneva Convention, relating to civil protection in war.

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