SciFiNow Issue 62: True Blood Season 5

Posted on the 02 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

SciFiNow Magazine features True Blood on the cover of their most recent issue, due to the fact True Blood Season 5 tops their list of TV shows and movies, they are looking forward to most in 2012!

Thanks to we have the scans below!

WARNING: These scans contain some True Blood season 5 spoilers! If you don’t want to know – please don’t read below!

Joe Manganiello (Alcide) had this to say…

“True Blood’s known for it’s extensive storylines and cast, and now this season it’s all starting to come together.  There’s a lot of fatality happening right now, and plot lines are intersecting.  It’s really intense.”

Denis O’Hare (Russell Edgington) shared this interesting tidbit…

“I’m not going to come back to True Blood until mid-March.  I had a meeting with Alan Ball last week, and they have devised an amazing trick to allow me to be present, but not fully acting.”

Also shared in this article – are spoilers we already know, such as Nora, Eric’s ‘sister’ and the Vampire Authority. Please click on the scans to read the entire article.

Please click image for larger view.

First of all…WHY did they use a Bill and Sookie pic? They are SO yesterday! Why didn’t they use one of the pics with Sookie and Eric or Sookie and ALL of her suitors?

Secondly, I wonder what Joe means in his tease? Are they really killing off characters, for once? What does he mean by “fatality”?

And lastly, what does Denis mean when he says he’s “not fully acting”?

Hmmm…I’m not sure what to think, but I’m glad there’s no mention of Bill, even though we have to see his ugly face in this old photo they used in the magazine.

What are your thoughts? Please feel free to share your thoughts and speculation below!