Science Meets Yoga – Clever Yoga with Hello Misha

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

There’s a lot of stuff science says that I choose to quietly not worry too much about. Hair dye is bad for you. Cell phones are bad for you. Fluffy Lhasa Apso puppies carrying baskets of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies are bad for you. (probably).

So it’s about time I got all fired up about something science had to say. Here it is – your body language actually, really, truly changes your mind. Any yogi can tell you that they feel relaxed after a good forward fold. Or that they feel open and calm after a few heart openers. But now, there is evidence to show that your body language really does shape your mind. Which in turn changes your actions. Which then can literally change your life.

Does this sound like some crazy hippie hooha? Nope. It’s science, my friend. Here’s a fantastic TEDx talk to prove it. Go, watch it. It’s worth the time.

You know what I’m doing to bring this into my life? Every day, I’m spending two minutes in tadasana, breathing ujjayi breaths and telling myself kind, uplifting things. And you know what? It’s working. I feel calmer, happier, more powerful.

Here’s my challenge to you – try it. Two minutes a day, in tadasana or striking a pose like Wonder Woman. Try it for a few days and tell me if your demeanor is not substantially different. What have you got to lose? Six, eight, ten minutes a week? What have you got to gain? Everything.

Go try it!

xoxo and remember – you can practice anywhere!
