School Principals Involved in Fundraising

Posted on the 27 April 2011 by Mregina @justfundraising

“With a challenging economy, a ‘new think’ method of raising the much-needed funds has come into play,” said Diane Malcoun, fund development director at St. Mary’s High School in Stockton.

Because of severe and lasting budget cuts for schools, fundraising has an ever increasing importance. For public schools fundraising is moving from covering  just school uniforms to keeping doors open and programs running. In the private sector you have to cover operating budgets, create scholorships and building upkeep.

So new and creative ideas for school fundraising need to be created. Hmmm how do we keep every one involved ……

Lately we’ve been hearing stories of Principal participation in order to keep people interested. If sales are met we’ve heard of principals sleeping on the roof, wearing tutu’s, being dunked and more. Seems lately if you get the Principal involved the kids will accept almost any challenge! Gotta feel for those Principals though…oh well, service in the line of duty and all that.

What new ideas have you heard schools taking fundraising to new and creative levels? Feel free to send us stories and pictures of what your Principal has done for a fundraising project. If we get some good stuff maybe we’ll post a few!

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