Scarlett & Stephen Workshop Review

By Scarlettandstephen

Originally, we were heading to Australia to shoot a wedding.

Then word got out, and we got a handful of emails from some Aussies asking us to teach some workshops in Sydney and Adelaide.

With teaming up last year as now husband and wife photographers, we purposely didn’t want to jump back into the workshop scene for a good year.  We wanted to make sure that first and foremost we were able to run a solid photography business now joining forces together changing the way we did our old business model to a new more efficient one.  We wanted to spend a year figuring out if we even felt led to continue to offering workshops to other photographers, or if we just wanted to simply be photographers.  We know the workshop scene is over saturated and there are lots of others options of people you can learn from, so we wanted to make sure that we even had something fresh and valuable to offer to make it worth every dollar and more you would invest in it.

We tried to put it off, but you kept asking.

Now a year into our marriage and our new business model, we have made changes and seen dramatic differences in how we’ve been able to stay afloat and book higher end weddings in a time when a lot of photographers are drowning.  With 2 workshops down, and 2 coming up, we’re excited to continue sharing with you here in the states what we already have shared with the Aussies!

The reviews are in, you can watch this video below to see what others are saying about our first 2 workshops we held in Australia, as well as some behind the scenes footage of what we share in the classroom and during the photoshoot portions of the day.  Also, one attendee, Rob Jenkins, wrote a really great in-depth review of his thoughts about attending the 1st ever Scarlett & Stephen Workshop.  Be sure to check it out to get all the inside scoop!

We are about to hit the road and plane to visit Myrtle Beach, SC and Dallas, TX, both where we’ve been invited to host our next upcoming workshops.  We have a few last minute seats remaining in each city, and you can reserve YOUR seat by clicking on the city name below!


Myrtle Beach, SC // June 5, 2012

Dallas, TX // June 13, 2012

Here’s some fun behind the scenes photos courtesy of workshop attendee Cindy Lee!

During the photoshoot portion of the day, we taught attendees how to create different kinds of lighting with the simplicity of one flash.

Image below by workshop attendee Kim Stephens.