Temperatures this month:
Lowest Min 6.3C
Highest Min 24.5C
Lowest Max 17.9C
Highest Max 41.4C
37mm Rainfall
Rain: Year To Date: 46mm (Average YTD: 45.2mm)
Comparison with other years February average is 22.6mm:
2014 37mm
2013 35mm
2012 56mm
2011 151mm
2010 7mm
2009 0mm
2008 1.6mm
2007 10.4mm
Weather Highlights?
The first half of the month we fried in record breaking heatwave conditions. The cool change brought some rain...flooding rain to finally extinguish the Bangor Bushfire that had burnt for 29 days. Unfortunately some flood damage occurred in the area due to the fact that the fire had destroyed most of the undergrowth that would normally have slowed the flow of the water. The last half of the month was almost spring like and the garden has sprouted with renewed growth!
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making. For Salads, Juice/Smoothies and Stirfries I have been picking Amaranth, Kale, Lebanese Cress, Spring Onions, Parsley, Shallot greens, Sorrel and Sweet Potato Leaves which are not always weighed.
Beans 610g
Carrots Purple 104g
Cucumber Bushy 39g
Cucumber Apple 4470g
Cucumber Mini White 2599g
Tomato Bendigo Drop 466g saving these for seeds
Tomato Capri Showstopper (non dwarf reject plants) 3348g
Tomato Roma 938g
Tomato Red Colossus 648g
Tomato Tommy Toe 548g
Tomato Yellow Baby Pear 901g easily this many again grazed on while gardening
Total Veg Harvest for February 14.7Kgs
Apple Cox's Orange Pippin 491g
Blackberries 285g
Nashi 1048g
Total Fruit Harvest for February 1.8Kg
Total Eggs for February: 12 eggs. They really didn't like the heatwave and decided to go into moult...
2 From the 1 Farmyard Feral
10 From the 3 Faverolles
February of Previous Years:
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Map of our place Here
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