Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge (2022) Movie Review

By Newguy

Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge – Movie Review

Director: Aaron B Koontz, Alexandra Barreto, Anthony Cousins, Jed Shepherd, Rachele Wiggins

Plot: When horror guru Rad Chad Buckley’s funeral turns into an elaborate series of hilarious death traps, the guests must band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.

Runtime: 1 Hour 39 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Verdict on Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge

Welcome to the 90s (D. Alexandra Barreto)

Welcome to the 90s follows a group of college students on new year’s eve 1989. They are from the ‘Final Girls’ dorm right next to ‘The Sure to Die’ dorm. However, tonight the serial killer targets the final girls, proving they are no longer safe as the decade changes.

This is a smart twist on the slasher stereotypes. One that almost explores the change that happened in the 90s toward such a popular sub-genre of horror. It has laughs, blood splatter and a smart ‘wink wink’ acceptance of the change that came along. 4/5

The Night He Came Back Again! Part VI: The Night She Came Back (D. Anthony Cousins)

This follows a survivor of a brutal serial killer attack, Daisy (Grant) is trying to move on with her life. However, she wants to have a showdown with the killer that took so much from her. When Daisy makes it back to the cabin, she learns the complete truth about the killer and gets to have a final showdown.

This one gets to poke fun at the endless ridiculous twists presents in horror movies. Getting to expose the ones that never made sense in the first place. Diving completely into the comedy value presented. 4/5

Special Edition (D. Jed Shepherd)

Special Edition follows a group of friends that start investigating the mystery behind the figure in the background of ‘Three Men and a Baby’. They have come together to support Zoe after her brother’s death. The more they investigate, the darker the truth behind the shadow in the curtain appears.

In a story that leans more toward pure horror, we get the one that stands out the most. It becomes one that would easily be something we could have learnt and lived through more of. Such a twisted and clever story going on within the short. 4/5

We’re So Dead (D. Rachele Wiggins)

We’re So Dead follows a group of teenagers who discover a dead body. It sees them trying to bring it back to life, as they look back at what happened that summer.

This does end up being the weakest of the four short stories. It gets to have a lot of fun at reimagination movies. It uses plenty of references, which add to the humor but ends up feeling like a wacky Goosebumps. 3/5

Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge

The overarching story follows the guests at Rad Chad’s funeral. They are put into a game that sees them needing to work together to escape the games they are placed in. each game becomes more twisted and crazy, getting to poke fun at the ‘Saw’ traps. This uses plenty of horror movies for references to make sense. However, this holds back to the far more interesting short movies in the movie.

Final ThoughtsScare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge has excellent short stories while poking fun at multiple horror movies.