SC Raised Objection Over Content of Draft of Swiss Letter

Posted on the 25 September 2012 by Azharnadeem

SC raised objection over content of draft of Swiss letter

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has raised the objection over several phrases of the draft of Swiss letter, presented by Federal Law Minister Farooq H. Naek before the apex court regarding to the NRO verdict case, on Tuesday.

During the hearing on Tuesday, Farooq Naek produced an authority letter on behalf of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and a draft of letter to be sent to Swiss authorities related to graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari before the five-member bench led by Justice Asif Saeed Khosa.

The court appraised authority letter and the draft of the Swiss letter and objected over an incomplete reference in the letter, which was related to the earlier Swiss cases.

Giving the remarks Justice Khosa said that the draft should state the complete reference number to the letter written by former attorney general Malik Qayyum for the reopening of graft cases.

Naek vowed to correct the error and said a complete reference will be included in the draft according to the instructions of court.

To have a comprehensive review of draft, the Judges took a break of 15 minutes and went into the chamber. In this period Senator Wasim Sajjid also arrived in the court.

When the court started proceedings again after one hour and 15 minutes, Naek requested to give him the time of one day to sort out the matters that are raised in the draft after which hearing adjourned until September 26.