{SBScon: Day 2 Recap With A Love For The Best Internship}

By Whimofthesouth

Pictured from right to left: Cathy from Poor Little It Girl & Jessica from My Style Vita It's really over, the best internship I could have asked for. Back in Fall semester, I saw a tweet from the new blog society I had joined, Southern Blog Society. They were looking for their first intern. I honestly didn't expect to get the job. It would seem I'm one of those people that is all about the "glass half full" except when it comes to things that have to do with me. I figured, why not apply? So I sent in my resume and a brief email to the email provided. Almost immediately, I heard back from Cathy, one of the cofounders. She wanted to know when I was available to do a phone interview. Following the phone interview, she asked if I had time to do an interview with the other cofounder, Jessica. Of course I did! (Someone seriously needed to pinch me at this point.) Within a week, I was the new Social Media Intern for Southern Blog Society. My internship for school was set, and in something  that I LOVED doing no less. I started each day by getting up and posting to the various social media avenues for SBS. It became a habit. Seeing Jessica & Cathy's hard work come to life was an inspiration in itself to a 20 year old girl (now 21) who wants to become her own boss one day. In February, they started talking about the conference. It blew my mind that they wanted my help. On Saturday, when I finally saw it come together, it was amazing. The bloggers who came loved it. The brands who attended and donated were happy to do so. And the speakers were amazing and made me immediately want to change my outlook on the blogging world. The whole experience was amazing and I am so thankful to have worked for such an AMAZING group of women! These are just a few excerpts from the Coffee Talk portion of the event. I am already looking forward to being there next year. I've left my heart in Georgia and can't wait for my move further south in less than a year! xoBCC