Saying Good-bye to Brady

By Edithlevy

It seems that my absences are becoming more frequent and for that I apologize. I just returned from a trip to Israel with a short stop in Zürich and Milan. It’s taken me some time to adjust being home but this has nothing to do with jet lag.

Three days before leaving on my trip we lost Brady, our beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. We brought Brady home when he was just 8 weeks old and we celebrated his 12th birthday 5 days before he passed away.

Brady, as most Cavaliers, was a love sponge, yes, a love sponge. What does that mean you ask? Well  he would absorb all the love that we showered on him and then just pour it back all over us ten fold. There’s wasn’t a lap in this family that he didn’t enjoy lying on. He was a snuggle bug but fiercely protective of his family.

His loss has been devastating to our family. His absence in the house in palpable. I miss walking through the front door and being greeted by a wagging tail and big slobbery kisses. I miss being stared at with those big brown eyes whenever I’m eating something. I miss him nudging my leg telling me its time to play. I miss our walks in the park. I miss giving him tummy rubs and having him at my heels going up the stairs when it was time for bed. I miss our snuggling before bed and giving him that last scratch behind his ears (that was his favourite) before going to sleep.

Brady was more than a “dog”. He was our baby and an integral member of our family.

You’ll live in our hearts forever Brady. We love you and miss you.
