Say You Love Me

By Wickedying @wickedying

Look of the Day – Hello! My alter ego aka Wicked the Office Girl is back from the hiding. What’s up with the obsession on such pieces? I can’t find a decent explanation. For whatever reason, I think I’m consoling my childhood pretend play until now. Yeah, whatev. Haha!

White bustier (sold out), PINKaholic. Lace vest, made by me. Sequined skirt, Van Vogue Manila. Captoe heels, Fancy Feet. Necklace, Libebi Accessories. Clutch, Mango.

“Don’t you know that I want to be more than just your friend 
Holding hands is fine 
But I’ve got better things on my mind 
You know it could happen 
If you’d only see me in a different light 
Baby when we finally get together 
You will see that I was right 

Say you love me 
You know that it could be nice 
If you’d only say you love me 
Don’t treat me like I was ice 

Please love me 
I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine 
And if you’d only say you love me baby 
Things would really work out fine”

 If my mind is a WinAmp, then I’d describe that  this song is on repeat since Friday. How crazy would that be that a song from say 10 years ago would just start playing and playing and playing nonstop. Ahhh, classic! Nostalgia overload again. MYMP songs make such good #ootd titles huh. I should do this more often. Teehee!


Before I start this post, let me just say that I hope everyone is safe in every part of the Philippines. I postponed posting looks last week because I pored over watching news and all things current events. You can tell how opinionated I am on such issues and it is pretty much evident on my social media accounts. I feel like every citizen should take part and be knowledgeable at least on what’s going on in the country. I’m not saying that you go all out “activista” level but what I’m trying to say is that it pays to be informed. So, will you be joining the million people march? Who’s going?


I put together this look because 1. I’m dying to wear this skirt out, 2. my lace vest deserves another cameo of some sort, and 3. my necklace is a perfect add on. Don’t you just love crystals?

Lace. Sequins. Quilt. Chains. I love pieces that I can use again without looking like an exact copy of a previous look. Thanks Van Vogue Manila for this sequined number!

Say hello to my new baby. Finally, I own a captoe pair!

Stay wicked!