Say Hello to the Namavaran Network Corporation

Posted on the 20 May 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Mike L.
I received an email yesterday from someone by the name of Iman Soleimani who apparently is a writer for something called the Namavaran Network Corporation.
The email looked like this:
Dear Mr.Dr. Mike Lumish
NNC ( NAMAVARAN NETWORK CORPORATION ): Our Institute is non-governmental and the research section of it, seeks to obtain a complete understanding of the U.S. and the most important issues. I would like to do an interview with you and ask some questions about "Israel, US and Zionism" via email.
By the way, if you have any questions about our website or the research, you can feel free to contact us. (
I look forward to talk to you about this topic.
Thanks for time and consideration.
Well, isn't that flattering?
But just who is Iman Soleimani and just what is the the Namavaran Network Corporation?
With just a little bit of research I discovered that Mr. Soleimani is precisely who he says that he is and that NNC is an Iranian media outlet.
If you go to the Namavaran Network Corporation website you will see that it is not exactly a friendly place for Jews who care about the well-being of their fellow Jews in Israel.  Here are some of the front page headlines:
Wall Street is a major operation site of Zionism, but their main base is the City of London
No!  Wall Street and Jews?  I never heard of such a thing!
Zionism is both a political movement and a way of mis-interpreting current events
This piece was written by someone with the familiar sounding name of Eileen Fleming.  That name just rang a bell for me and the Big Orange kept flashing before my eyes.  Yup.  I knew that name sounded familiar!
Most of Americans are unaware of Zionists power
Yes, we're so powerful.  Of course, we can't even get the US government to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but obviously we control everything in sight.
Zionism Is the Main Determinant of US Policy
Anyway, you get the idea.
So, what should I do with this?  Should I agree to some internet interview by a viciously anti-Semitic anti-Zionist Iranian outlet?  It seems pointless to me, but it also might be entertaining - and, y'know, that goes a long way.
I honestly do not know what to make of this, so I solicit your advice.
What do you ladies and gents think?