Saw This Disturbing Quote on Taegan Goddard:

Posted on the 07 July 2012 by Btchakir @btchakir

“Mosques are not churches like we would think of churches. They think of mosques more as a foothold into a society, as a foothold into a community, more in the cultural and in the nationalistic sense. Our churches — we don’t feel that way, they’re places of worship, and mosques are simply not that, and we need to take that into account when approving construction of those.”

Colorado state Sen. Kevin Grantham (R), quoted by the Colorado Statesman, saying a proposal to ban construction of new mosques should be considered.

So much for Freedom of Religion. The incredible fear generated by the right is really freaking me out. Speaking as an atheist, I could have the same feeling about Grantham’s churches, but I don’t.