Save This Critically Endangered Bird!

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

“Less than 500 are left, but if the government steps up to increase habitat protections we could save them. (23,536 signatures on petition)”


This Francolin (Francolinus ochropectus) occupies two small areas in Djibouti in the horn of Africa.  It prefers dense African juniper habitat near the coast of the Gulf of Tadjora in the southern Sea of Aden.  Formerly abundant, the Francolin numbers were first reduced by hunting, and then more recently by destruction of the juniper woodland by livestock grazing and fuel-wood gathering.  Climate change appears to be involved too.

The Francolin is surviving in the dying juniper woodland and in less suitable neighboring vegetation. Please sign the petition to the Djiboutian Prime Minister to extend protections back over the Forêt du Day and establish captive breeding programs for the Francolin before this rare species disappears forever.