Save the Children: SITC 2013

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
Save the children had a great stand this year highlighting the campaign for Syria and how to get involved in helping the charity. If we all take part and work together as a community we can make a difference and help save the children to reach everyone who need their health.
With all the trouble in Syria at the moment there are millions of people in need of urgent support and save the children are running a campaign to try to help as many children in the refugee camps and the surrounding areas

How you can help Today...

1. Tweet a picture of you holding a sign saying #savesyriaschildren. We'll take a massive petition made of them all to the United Nations in September.
2. If you’re not on twitter you can email your picture to
3. Follow the trip hashtag #YouTube4Syria & re-tweet to spread the word. You can also keep visiting this page to follow the trip here.
4.Make a video about the campaign encouraging others to take part. More information can be found at the link above.
The Internet community can come together and make a difference today by supporting save the children and spreading the word about the campaign.
Thanks for reading and supporting the blog.