Save Reservoir Animals from Intentional Water Drainage

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Save Reservoir Animals from Intentional Water Drainage

Target: Mayor Percy Bland of Meridian, Mississippi Goal: Relocate fish and other animals that are dying because of the intentional draining of their native reservoir The city of Meridian, Mississippi has slowly begun to drain the water from a…

“The city of Meridian, Mississippi has slowly begun to drain the water from a heavily inhabited reservoir, killing thousands of fish and endangering many other species. City representatives insist this is a necessary measure due to the connected dam’s instability. However, a letter from Mississippi’s Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) only instructs the city to reinforce the dam, making no such request to drain the reservoir.

“As the water levels gradually lower, fish and other aquatic animals have painfully begun dehydrating and dying via suffocation. According to Meridian resident and frequent fisherman Red Dowdy, “There are about 10 tons of fish in the lake, ranging from bass, bream, white perch, to catfish and gar.” In addition to the numerous fish affected by drainage, the protected bald eagle species–who rely on the fish population for sustenance–will also suffer a great loss due to the sudden scarcity of food.”

Goal: Relocate fish and other animals that are dying because of the intentional draining of their native reservoir.


GR:  Fish, amphibians, waterfowl, dragonflies, mammals, and more depend on water.  They all feel pain and fear and deserve better treatment than this.