Save Money On Your Wedding Plans

By Innstilettos

My daughter, Danielle, has opted not to have assigned seats at her wedding which I sighed a big deep breath.  That was the one thing I hated when planning my own wedding.  However, I have gotten questions from others asking my thoughts on wedding place cards.
We all know weddings can be a never ending hole in which large amounts of money are poured.  That is why I was overjoyed when seeing place cards being replaced with the wedding favors.
The favors were labeled in some very creative ways to signal the guests on where they would find their seats.  Fabulous.

Some of the seating cards even added to the wedding table decorations.  The small vases when placed on the table by the guest will add more spirit to each table.  For a night wedding, I thought the little votives lit were a nice touch and could imagine how beautiful they would look on the tables once everyone sat down.
Add a little flavor to your beach wedding by using these cards made into beach chairs.  The will look adorable on the tables.
Love when you can save money and look fabulous at the same time.  How about you?  What creative ways have you kept yourself on budget?
Deborah Stilettos