Savannah 4 [Orange You Glad It’s Friday]

By Shattman
The friendly relaxed atmosphere makes Savannah an excellent place to do street photography. My favorite encounter came along River Street late one afternoon. A craftsman had his table set up displaying necklaces, bracelets, and rings that he had made. I wandered over to look at his wares and began to chat with him. His name was Mamedy and he came to Savannah from Senegal some 29 years ago. He was fascinated by the amulet I was wearing [that of a miniature djembe], and we started talking about drums. Bottom line, I ended up buying a necklace and getting to take his picture. I think the images capture his persona.

Earlier in the day a large group disembarked from a river steamer cruise. Here is a shot of some of them relaxing along River Street.

Forsythe Park is a huge area at the southern end of the historic section. It contains a magnificent fountain [see my July 2 posting in Sky Watch Friday] that is its main attraction. The young fellow playing violin for tips knew how to  take advantage of the large numbers of passersby.

As I noted in last week’s OYGIF posting, I came across a club that had live entertainment. The musician below is Thomas Claxton playing solo; he happens to be the lead singer in a group, The Myth, that can be seen on You Tube. The lighting was not conducive for shooting, but I managed to get something acceptable.