Saturday Treat: What's Cookin'?

By Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc

 {img and recipe sourse}
My sincerest apologies to my dear readers for such long disappearance. I seem to always underestimate the power of a new school year start combined with new season ( more holiday, really ) auditions, rehearsals and work, and completely overestimate how much I can actually do. 
Last two weeks I had another mental image of myself as a surfer that's clinging for dear life on that surfboard in the swirl of a powerful wave, happy to have the head above the water.
I'm all back on the board, though!
Fall in season, and we stumbled on a completely little random apple booth at the farmer's market yesterday with ridiculously delicious apples ( kid you not - best I've had in a long while. I wonder how much a mega hot summer had to do with it, but I'm not complaining) , so those beauties are the main item of the table for us this week.
*Side note: Did you know there is such thing as APPLE TASTING?! I never new until Emerson introduced me to it. Now I'm completely hooked on it.*( can't link to her blog only, but you can dig through archives there if you like)
1 package of dough ( i used filo dough package from Whole Foods) 3-4 large apples1/2 a bar of dark chocolate * as dark as you can get, i went mighty 90%*3 Tbsp lemon juicebuttersugar powdered sugar for decoration
wash and prep the apples. cut in thin slices.sprinkle with lemon juice - it will prevent apples from browning. 
 roll the dough and cut circles.  i used a large glass from ikea - but sky is the limit here.
 place cut dough circles on a baking sheet * well buttered*  and poke with fork
 melt your chocolate * use double boiler and just leave it in the pot untouched* and spread it on the dough
 arrange apples in spirals to your liking. sprinkle about 1 tsp of sugar on the on the top and place a small peace of butter * butter and sugar together will create somewhat caramel-like finish when baked*
bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes
  when cooled down, dust with powdered sugar and enjoy!  
Wishing you a happy weekend!