Saturday Travel Quote – From An Adventure a Day

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard

I love this travel quote from a reader and blogger who writes at An Adventure a Day. How could I not love someone who writes a blog by that name?! She says this about the quote:

There are just so many wonderful travel quotes to choose from! I do really like this one from the travel writer Frey Stark – “The true fruit of travel is perhaps the feeling of being nearly everywhere at home”

You can read more about this blogger by heading to her blog. She says this in the intro: “

“The idea for this blog came after talking to my husband about the difficulty of assimilation into a new culture. I felt more prepared than most people when they head to a foreign country. While I didn’t speak the language, I had studied the history, the culture, and the theories of international communication. I’ll be fine right? Well, yes and no……This is a collection of my stories. My adventures, the way I see things and the world. This is not chronological progression. These are my travels and adventures through the lens of my experience.”

Have a great weekend and keep the travel quotes coming. Your own or those of others that you have read, heard, and love.