Saturday Snapshot: Lil’ Blue Eyes

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

I LOVE this photo.  I’m not sure how I was able to capture The Little Monkey’s Lil’ Blue Eyes or all the sand-covered spots – sometimes the stars align and the almost-perfect photo jumps out.  Of course I cut off part of his head, but I’m happy I captured the expression and the eyes, oh, the eyes!  Can you see his freckles?  I’m always asking my sweet grandson if I can bite his nose and have his freckles. . .for some reason he always says “no” then runs away giggling!

The Little Monkey

Sending you wishes for a fun-filled weekend with water and sand and family!

With blogging love,

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads found here.  

To participate or to see the fabulous photos other bloggers have posted, please visit Melinda’s blog.