Saturday Confession: That Pinkie Nail

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

I like my nails short.  I work with my hands all day and am bad about wearing gloves so they just end up looking gnarly and dirty if I don’t trim them weekly.  But every time I forget and accidentally cut that pinkie (pinky?) nail too short, I instantly regret it.

Because we need it, moms, for plucking boogers out of tiny child nostrils.

Don’t. Even. act like you don’t know what I’m talking about!

Those little nose-holes are tiny and the only instrument that can quickly and precisely get that crusty lil flapper out of there before your kid realizes what is happening and ducks out of your reach, is that pinky (pinkie?!! seriously, how is it spelled?) nail.

And the only thing grosser than picking your kid’s nose is LEAVING THE BOOGER THERE.  Because kids don’t care. This convo happens on a regular basis:

“Miles, come here and let me get that boogie.”

“No.” *runs opposite direction* (no emails about his behavior please, we are working on it…)

“Miles, it’s gross.  Do you want to just leave it there?

“Nah Nah.” (this means “Yes” in Miles’ language.)

“You LIKE your booger in your nose?”

“Nah nah!!!” *runs faster in opposite direction*


live well. be well.