So, every once in a while, I give him impossible tasks for the sole purpose of keeping him occupied for longer than 30 seconds.
For example, when I need for him to stop doing dangerous things like diving from the ottoman to the couch, jumping off end-tables, and falling off of the kitchen table, I’ll say:
“Miles, go find your shoes!” Knowing full-well that his shoes are in the car.
I know, I feel super kinda guilty. Bad Mommy.
Off he toddles, searching endlessly through his room saying “shoe, shoe, shoe”… it keeps him busy and out of trouble, and I can have a moment to do something other than rescue him from peril. Then, we go and find the shoes and celebrate together.
Attempting to ride a sheep
Driving an ambulance
Judge me if you will. Mama don’t care.
Some may say I’m setting my child up for failure. No, I would argue, I am setting him up for NOT NEARLY KILLING HIMSELF for just five minutes.
I actually smile and congratulate myself for being so cunning when I use this plan.
live well. be well.