Sassy Water – The Healthy Water : How To?

By Kaye

What is sassy water?


You might have heard already about sassy water, do you? Who haven’t when sassy water is already making a name in almost all health blogs and websites. Maybe I am the one who’s been left behind as I only learned about this a few weeks ago through Instagram. Yeah I confessed I’m not really into healthy eating lifestyle but that would change in few weeks. It’s not yet too late to kick off a healthy lifestyle right? I just have to curb on chocolates, sweets and sodas to keep up with this new resolution of mine.

Just to give you a little history, sassy water was named after Cynthia Sass, the brain behind the creation of Fat Belly Diet. The Prevention magazine spruced up the name to honor her. It is a healthy drink infused with lemon, cucumber, mint and ginger. It almost contain no calories and is widely used in loss weight program and as an alternative refreshing drink.

Health benefits of sassy water?

Water itself is already a healthy drink. We all knew that. We have to drink at least 8 glasses of water to keep ourselves hydrated to ward off fatigue and to flush out toxins from our body. So is water not good enough? You may ask, what do I get from drinking sassy water? Sassy water with all its healthy ingredients provide a lot of benefits.

Lemons are natural diuretic and are alkaline food. When you add it to water, it becomes alkaline.

Advocates of alkaline water claim that by drinking alkaline water you can help to neutralize acid in your bloodstream, increase oxygen levels in your body and your energy level and metabolism. However, clinical research has not confirmed the benefits of alkaline water. Speak to a medical professional prior to consuming alkaline water. ( Source )

Cucumber because of its diuretic effects is widely use in weight loss programs. It also contains erepsin, the protein-digesting enzyme. Cucumbers are also thought to help kidney function.

Mint leaves are very good aid indigestion and for its stomach-soothing qualities.

Ginger because it offers wonderful aroma, flavor, and health benefits is a great ingredient for sassy water. The root is also believed to help ease constipation and improve digestion.

How to make sassy water?


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2 liters or 8 1/2 cups of fresh water (use good quality water, filtered if need be)
1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
1 medium cucumber, peeled and sliced thinly
1 medium lemon, sliced thinly
12 fresh mint leaves – try to obtain spearmint leaves but other mint leaves will work too; choose small ones


1. Wash all the ingredients.
2. Put water into the water jug or container.
3. Add all the ingredients needed.
4. Drink the water after a day.

Though sassy water is used in weight loss, you can enjoy this refreshing drink anytime, anywhere.

My version of sassy water

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Yes! I made my own sassy water minus the ginger because I don’t have fresh ginger at the time I made this. Sorry for the poor lighting. Anyway, it was really an energizing, refreshing drink and I enjoyed it. I am not endorsing any weight loss regimen here. But I would definitely made another batch of my sassy water.

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That would be all for today guys! Till my next post…