Sassy Water

By Nancymccarroll
Have you tried SASSY water?  It is the next best thing since... fill in the blank...  And it supposedly gets rid of belly fat.  Ya think?
This is what you need:
8. 5 cups water
1 tsp. grated ginger
1 cucumber (sliced)
1 lemon (sliced)
spearmint leaves, a dozen or so (I leave them whole)
Combine everything and chill in the refrigerator overnight. Drink!
That is the official recipe, but since cukes and lemons are not cheap, I used half the amount called for and it tasted just fine.  Then the next day, I could make up another batch of sassy water.
The taste?  It was refreshing.  But I doubt it gets rid of belly fat unless you quit eating.

Prevention Magazine has more information about Sassy Water, named after its originator, Cynthia Sass.