Sartorial Entertainment

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
This is an reoccurring Sunday evening problem, when I rack through my brain to come up something to say with my outfit post. I suppose, I am again going through a phase where I can't find succinct thoughts to write about on the blog. Mostly I don't have anything to say, and when I do I shrug it off because I don't want to add to the unnecessary noise on the internet. So much news, so many opinions, so much content, not enough time to even read and process it all.  For now I think I happy to keep this space as an indulgence in a bit of sartorial entertainment and share just a tad bit of my life and then get on with the day. Moving on to the outfit, we are in-between winter and spring (temperature wise). So even though the sun is shinning hot and bright you cannot just get go out without light layers. Nothing exceptional in this look except bringing my suede coat back after a while (click here to see another look with the same coat) and styling it with a recent purchase: neck scarf!

Shirt - Uniqlo // Similar Jeans - Joe's // Same Boots - Timberland // Same Sunglasses - Ted Baker // Similar Jacket - From Turkey // Similar Neck scarf - J. Crew // Similar
Bag - Chanel // Similar