Sarah Newlin’s Family Come to Bon Temps in True Blood’s Season 7

Posted on the 01 March 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

TVLine has some new information about additional cast members that we can expect to see in True Blood’s Season 7. Here’s the scoop:

Any news on the new villains/Big Bad of True Blood Season 7? —Tom
Who needs a new Big Bad when you’ve still got Anna Camp’s Sarah Newlin hanging around wreaking havoc at every turn? And in the show’s seventh and final season, we’ll be introduced to the vampire exterminator’s Texas socialite parents and angry, bitter, gothed-out sister. (Fun fact: Sarah’s spot-on maiden name? Crabtree!) While mom and dad will appear in just one episode, Sarah’s sis, Amber, will be staying put for an arc — an extremely juicy, twisty, this-will-explain-a-lot-about-why-Sarah-is-the-way-she-is arc.

So we should get news about the castings of the Crabtree family, including Sarah’s mother, father and her older gothed-out sister.  Could this be a flashback scene? You may remember how Sarah explained to Jason in season 2, episode 3 that she had an older sister who got hooked on HepV and was killed by vampires, so I’m guessing we’re going to learn about her past.

