Sarah Michelle Gellar Reveals She Had Postpartum Depression After First Baby

Posted on the 12 May 2017 by Sumithardia

I’ve always liked Sarah Michelle Gellar well enough but since I started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer at your insistence (thank you all, btw), I’ve come to see her as part of my squad. I tend to keep my eye out for news on her but I was especially interested when I saw she’d spoken on postpartum depression following the House of Representatives passing the AHCA. On Tuesday, Sarah posted this to her Instagram:

Having kids is wonderful, and life changing, and rarely what you're prepared for. I love my children more than anything in the world. But like a lot of women, I too struggled with postpartum depression after my first baby was born. I got help, and made it through, and every day since has been the best gift I could ever have asked for. To those of you going through this, know that you're not alone and that it really does get better. And if you believe that postpartum depression should be covered by healthcare, please take a moment and go to today, find your rep's numbers and let them know. #NotAPreExistingCondition
A post shared by Sarah Michelle (@sarahmgellar) on May 9, 2017 at 8:15am PDT

Just a quick note – I think that is supposed to be where you can find your rep. I was glad to see so many outlets picked up this story. I find this a very effective posting – simple but resonant – and agree with everything she said. I liked how Fit Pregnancy closed out their article on this:
Politics aside, we have to applaud this actress for getting real about a difficult issue, reaching out to other women in need, and educating fellow moms about how new policies will affect treatment of postpartum depression sufferers. Fellow moms are voicing tremendous support in the comment section of (Sarah Michelle Gellar’s) post: “Thank you for using your voice:) We need to stand together, especially in this climate,” one follower wrote. Another added: “Wait.. PPD won’t be covered? I haven’t seen the list of everything and I’m blown away by this right now.”
No matter which side of this you’re on, it’s important that we all understand that treatment is often the very thing that saves postpartum depression and anxiety sufferers from truly terrifying fates. We believe this is something that’s absolutely worth fighting for, and we can’t commend Sarah enough for illuminating the issue.
[Fit Pregnancy]
I don’t know how to frame my thoughts on this other than using my own story so forgive me stealing the spot. I suffered from the Baby Blues after the birth of my first child. The reason I differentiate between the Baby Blues and postpartum is because my hormones seemed to rebalance three months post pregnancy, almost to the day. I, to my discredit, did not seek treatment, thinking I had to suck it up like all the mothers before me. What I did have, however, was Brooke Shields who was promoting her postpartum experience in her book, Down Came the Rain. I am so indebted to her. When she spoke, I heard my own dark and horrible thoughts. I thought I was a monster, I really did. But hearing someone else say they had had similar, horrifying mental images, it was a relief I hadn’t known prior. Sorry to go so dark on the Friday before Mothers Day but I wanted to stress how important it is to hear someone else vocalize your truth when you think there is something wrong with you. So I applaud Sarah, Hayden Panettiere, Courteney Cox, Drew Barrymore, Chrissy Teigen, etc. who’ve become someone else’s Brooke Shields. To try and tie this whole thing up in a positive, full circle way – my son and I made it through with only a few proverbial faded scars from that time. As we begin to navigate the rough waters of his adolescence, we have found a new way to bond, one just he and I share: we are watching Buffy together – no joke. We’re in season five (just got rid of Riley) and we flip-flop daily on our favorite character. I’m not allowed to watch without him so I find myself shouting frequently, “finish your homework so we can watch Buffy, dammit!”

I haven’t tried Sarah’s new cookbook yet but I have a hold at the library for the next copy returned. Of course, her adorable husband of 15 years, Freddie Prinze, Jr., has been lovingly supporting her as always. I adore them as a couple.

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