Sarah Jakes Roberts & PT House Still Stands After California Fires

By Firstladyb

FirstLadyB | Connecting Faith and Hollywood

Toure Roberts (PT) and Sarah Jakes Roberts are thanking God for sparing their home after California fires.

The couple evacuated their home 5 days ago with their 6 children, and 15 bags.  After shuffling between 3 different hotels due to the deadly fire, they were finally given the okay to return home.

“We evacuated our home yesterday when it was voluntary. A few hours later it became mandatory,” Sarah shared on Instagram.

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The Roberts returned home today (Tuesday), to find their home in tact.

“Thanking God right now! After grabbing what we could and evacuating our home 5 days ago, living out of suitcases and staying in 3 different hotels – we were finally cleared to return to our home and found it left completely in tact, Pastor Toure wrote.  There wasn’t even the smell of smoke in our community although much landscape has been charred all around us.

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We are so grateful! Equally in this moment our hearts, prayers and support go out to the many who were not as fortunate, losing both life and property – many still dealing with the extreme duress of not having a home. God please help them and allow us and others to be a blessing to them.”

Sarah wrote:

“Our home still stands. Our family is stronger than we’ve ever been. Our community needs much prayer and strength as we continue to fight this fire and rebuild after its aftermath.”