Santas, Turkeys, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk

Weekend plans include wearing this outfit. 24/7.

It's been a fantastic week filled with friends and blogger events -- and I'm happy to say that the awesomeness is going to continue into the weekend. Tomorrow is Boston's Santa Pub Crawl (no it's not SantaCon -- it's the other one that you probably haven't heard of but that's way better). It's my second year attending this festive event and I'm so excited! Nothing says Christmas like a bar full of Santas and Santa's "helpers". (Side note: If you're in Boston and want to join the 250+ awesome people Saturday -- send me a note and I'll email you the info.) Then on Sunday I'm grabbing brunch with the fabulous Style Foodie, who's in town from the Windy City. We're going to Buttery in the South End, which is as good as it sounds (if that makes any sense).
Santas and awesome food would be enough to make my weekend but to top it all off, it's also my baby brother's 21st birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN! (Not that he reads this blog -- he's way too cool for that. Seriously. He's like the coolest person I -- or you -- know.) While I'm too old to celebrate this epic birthday (i.e., I wasn't invited) I am baking him cake and torturing him at dinner Sunday.
That's what big sister's are for, after all.
Anyways, Kevin -- if you're reading this (since I kind of forced you to by posting it on your FB wall) you're totally awesome and I'm super proud to be your sister.
Oh and you're really great at holding a turkey.

Seriously. So cool

Love, Bianca