PORT OF VANCOUVER – Several singing Santas dropped in on the Port Metro Vancouver this morning to deliver lumps of coal and a message not to develop the massive Fraser Surrey Docks coal terminal.
The reception was frosty. The Santas delivered their coal and sang some songs before leaving. One Santa was detained by Vancouver police.
From the Santas’ release:
“Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) has been very naughty, acting like the coal industry’s best friend instead of listening to the concerns of communities, health authorities and local governments about Fraser Surrey Docks. We want to make sure that PMV listens to the wishes of people today, and of the generations upon generations of children to come who want nothing more than clean land on which to live, clean water to drink, and a climate that all beings can thrive with. Unlike PMV, we Santas read and respond to the wish-lists and letters we receive.
“We, the Anti-Capitalist Santas, are here to deliver coal to PMV, which is responsible for global climate change and injustice. We have come all the way from the North Pole, a place increasingly at risk as the Harper regime and governments and industry around the world seek to profit off of every last drop of oil that may be under the ice. Conveniently for them, the faster the climate changes, the more and faster they can extract the oil and rake in the profits. We are here to tell these naughty profiteers that the earth is not a Consumerist Christmas Tree! You are not entitled to root around underneath for everything you can possibly find and rip it open, leaving a mess in your wake. What you create and leave behind is not simply a crumpled up ball of wrapping paper. From the air quality disaster in China to the floods of Calgary to Typhoon Haiyan, not to mention global food insecurity, climate change affects us all, with the most marginalized people at greatest risk. Coal, oil and gas are not gifts magically left for you. They are not yours to take and you will be stopped.
“May we celebrate this season by coming together to fight for the gifts of the earth. Consumption can’t bring happiness, but collective resistance most definitely can. Raise your voice in a chorus of dissent, of joy, and of militant rejection! Ring in the new year with hope that we all may survive many more, and that the planet’s gifts will remain for generations of creatures to enjoy.
The action comes one day before a planned Flood the Port phone and email protest calling for a stop to “Big Coal’s last chance ” organized by Rising Tide. For more information see: http://risingtide604.ca/?p=1034 and https://www.facebook.com/events/246405662190581