Santa Monica

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

      I know, I know--one minute I'm in Utah skiing at Deer Valley and the next I'm back in New Jersey packing to go to California. And soon after I find myself writing this post from the Student Government office at USC as I prep for my next class on the second day of classes. Oh how time flies! I arrived in California just a week ago and since then, I have moved into my dorm, taken a little trip to Santa Monica, gone to two nerve-wracking basketball games, and attended my first classes at USC. I've already gotten my taste of the glory that is Southern Californian weather, nearly slapping myself when I almost said that I was hot when I was walking the Santa Monica pier just a few days ago. I'm not sure why, but strolling the Santa Monica pier and the Third Street Promenade gave me this overwhelming feeling of "this feels right" and that I am where I am supposed to be. Even just going to class and observing all the happenings on campus has been reassuring and most certainly exciting-- the multitude of opportunities this school has to offer is quite frankly insane. I can tell that this is going to be a busy semester in terms of commitments but alongside commitments I will have many adventures as I get to know Los Angeles. 

As I said, I am going to be busy to a T for quite some time-- but that doesn't mean the weekend won't be used for discovery! I hope to go somewhere new or try out a new food place at least once a week, with my camera in tow, so posts will come as those new ventures occur. How are you guys doing? If you're still on break, my jealousy toward you is booming. Good luck with the start of the semester everyone! xoxo Isabelle 

        {FACEBOOK}{TWITTER}{INSTAGRAM}{BLOGLOVIN'}{TUMBLR} SHARE: Labels: California , isabelle nazha , isabelle nazha photo , lost but not found , santa monica , spring admit usc , travel , university of southern california , usc