Marta Bartlett Sneddon, Physical Ability/Coordinator Office: 714-564-6863 E-Mail: F?ire Technology Office Office: 714-564-6845 Location: SAC – A113 Fire Academy 008 Physical Ability Test (Biddle) **If you have taken an official Biddle through SAC before you will need to come to our office, A-113, to sign up. Bring with you a current Job Flyer that states you need a Biddle** $4.60 fee must be paid online within 72 hours of registering, or you will be dropped from the class & will not be able to participate!! ** If you added late online, please bring proof of ** registration and payment on testing day. Late students will not be allowed to test!! You Must Stay For The Entire Class Time To Receive ?Credit and Your Certificate!!! Classes are held at the JPT-BFA (Basic Fire Academy) 18301 Gothard, Huntington Beach CA 92648? Call the Fire Technology Office at 714-564-6845 for date changes and additions. Santa Ana College, Rm. A-113
Fall 2016 Test Dates
????Section # ?Day ?Date ?Time ?Site ?Location (click for map)
26881 – FULL ?Sunday Sept 11th ?7:30 AM – 11:?30 AM ?JPTC Huntington Beach???
?34252 – FULL Sunday? Sept 11th? 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM? JPTC ?Huntington Beach
?26882 ?Sunday ?Oct 9th ?7:30 AM – 11:?30 AM ?JPTC Huntington Beach?
26883 ?Sunday Oct 30th ??7:30 AM – 11:?30 AM? JPTC? Huntington Beach?
26884 Sunday? Nov 20th ?7:30 AM – 11:?30 AM JPTC? Huntington Beach?
? ? ? ? ? ?
If you have registered and are unable to attend, please DROP online! *If you are not currently a student at SAC, you need to Apply at This must be done before you can register online for the Biddle. **Registration closes at 10:00 a.m. on the Friday prior to the test (or when the class fills, whichever is sooner). Note: There are three times during the year that on-line registration is not possible: The last three weeks of May, the last three weeks of August and the last three weeks of December. This is due to early registration for the following semester. If you are unable to register for this or any other reason, contact the Fire Technology Office for assistance.