Sandy Hook Father: You’ll Have to Take My Guns From My Cold Dead Hands!

Posted on the 05 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

I Like this Guy. He’s about the only thing in this whole mess that is genuine.    

——————————————~ Steve~  ———————————

video of a father, Bill Stevens, whose daughter attended Sandy Hook Elementary school, scene of the mass shooting in December, is making its rounds today of his testimony against gun control at a Working Group Public Hearing at the Connecticut State Capitol on gun violence prevention.

Although his daughter was not harmed in the shooting, his daughter’s friend’s little sister was a victim.

In his testimony, he was very clear on his stance against going after legal gun owners and that no one will take his freedom away to protect his daughter.

Stevens told the panel that he is not there to cite statistics, lives saved by a gun or the economic impact. He was there to remind those people about the U.S. Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, the Constitution of the State of Connecticut in regards to self-defense.


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